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Jeni Peralta

Jeni Peralta is an emerging artist based in London, Ontario.

In 2014, Jeni graduated from OCAD University with a Bachelor of Fine Arts degree, majoring in Drawing and Painting.  She has actively participated in a variety of shows, including, Through the Looking Glass, a Collective Matter and Childlike. In addition to these accomplishments, she has also attained two diplomas: Business Marketing from Fanshawe College and Cartographic Technician from Fleming College. The underlying train of thought between these majors is they are creative in their subject manifestation. Her work touches mainly on ecological issues, commenting on nature. As well observations on life in a surrealistically yet representational conception. Her lifelong fascination with the natural world is revealed by the common thread between watching geographical documentaries as a child, attending Fleming College - School of Environmental & Natural Resources, and her present subject matter.

 Artist Statement

My canvases largely describe the environment as it is my muse having been an immense part of my life as I revel in its clear majesty as the environment shrouds this world. As my paintings reflect on my life journey I explore it by remarking on what surrounds us in this biosphere called Earth as I perceive things to be. In fruition I pronounce visual statements in my artwork outlining life lessons as I strive to enlighten myself on my canvas by using an inner examination trying to reflect thusly on who I am. My paintings are a chronicle of my life as I elaborate on my narrative story as recounted on these artworks. I try to incorporate good mathematical shape in formulation making sense of these compositions grounded in pure geometric and sacred established math concepts. My brush strokes conveying shapes of wavelengths, hyperboles, concave and convex, line pattern and circles.