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Traven Benner

Traven Benner grew up in London, ON, and was informed by its vibrant art community from a young age. His parents encouraged him to create art as a child - artist father, Tom, taught him watercolour, within such environments as The Coves and the American Southwest. Furthermore, Benner has had the privilege of learning from his uncle Ron Benner and Jamelie Hassan, while also drawing inspiration from the rich array of artists who call London home.

Benner continued his art education within the Bachelor of Fine Art program at Queen's University, graduating in 2004. In 2005, Benner was an artist in residence at Gibraltar Point, Toronto Island, while also starting an apprenticeship with his jewellery designer brother, Leif Benner.

Today, Traven paints and works as a Creative Art Instructor at Perley Health, a long term care home in Ottawa. Traven is interested in developing artwork which touches on themes of water, environment, deep time, and the human footprint.

“My most current work is with acrylic on birch panels, employing techniques informed by experience with watercolour, as well as dry brush technique common in oil painting. I perceive landscapes through the lens of both place and time. The way landscapes change over deep time is fascinating to me and I have come to think of waterfalls as conduits for the interconnected elements of the landscape, as well as an hourglass-like symbol of time passing. Waterfalls are timeless connectors between the present and the past.”