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Fanshawe Photography | Alexander Moyer

Regular price $20.00

Photographic Print on Paper

Follies Fixture - Taken in the Summer of 2020 as part of a series exploring the nature of isolation that presented itself during that Summer

Posted - Taken in early Winter of 2020 as part of an ongoing series exploring language as it presents its self in the everyday

Sentinel - Taken in Spring of 2020 on the South Thames

Alex Moyer is a photographic artist from London Ontario specializing in a mix of documentary and fine art photography. He strives to create unique and impactful images that represent the essence of Ontario and is passionate about capturing the hidden beauty of both people and the natural world in London. Alex currently attends Fanshawe for Photography and intends to continue his education with a degree in fine art.

The Photography program at Fanshawe provides training for students in the professional aspects of the photography industry. Students are prepared for work in architectural, advertising, fashion, product, industrial, portrait, and wedding photography. Being able to tell a story, create a mood, or look at something from a new point of view, are just some of the concepts that students explore in this program.